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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Killed Vittorio, and How Can We Avenge?

Everyone who is concerned with the issue of defending human rights, the Palestinian cause and the ending of the Gaza Strip blockade is totally shocked because of this despicable act of the killing of Vittorio.

I have known about the activities of Vittorio in the Gaza Strip through my researches on human rights violations by Israel in Gaza. However, after I have heard of the news of his kidnapping and killing I became more interested in knowing Vittorio closely. I searched his video clips and photos while on one of the ships heading to Gaza or in the field coming face to face with Israeli army, and I could see that look on his face while he is doing humanitarian work in Gaza, it is a look of self-content and pride as if the man lives with his family or as if he is at his home or doing community work. I am totally confident that Vittorio's journey from Italy to Gaza and from Gaza to Italy or whichever direction you look at it is simply a journey from home to back home.

But the question that keeps persisting and haunting everyone is why would anyone commit such a shameful act by killing a peace activist like Vittorio? Has Hamas done enough to rescue him? And what benefit to whichever group his killing has brought?

First of all, I believe that Hamas has failed Vittorio and failed all peace activists working in Gaza. I am not sure to what extent the claim of Hamas is true that Vittorio was killed shortly after he was kidnapped. If this is true then the kidnappers has other aims of kidnapping Vittorio than the stated ones of pressing Hamas to release their leader. But if Hamas's claim is not true then why didn't Hamas enter into negotiations with the kidnappers to secure his release? I personally didn't hear of such news. Does it mean that Hamas was unwilling to negotiate, or the group didn’t want to open up negotiation channels? A justification crops up in mind that may be Hamas didn't have a clue about who are the kidnappers. But if they knew about then a semi-government like Hamas can't afford the luxury of refusing to negotiate with any group regardless of their background.

If we take the first possibility that kidnappers killed Vittorio shortly after kidnapping him then this is sending us a different message in that the kidnapping was only for the sake of killing and terrorising peace activists in Gaza. Let's not overlook the fact that in a month and half from now the International Freedom Flotilla 2 will attempt to arrive in Gaza. It is a bigger flotilla, more organised and more diverse in the nationalities of its participants. Clearly, this flotilla is a source of worry to Israel who wants to keep the issue of Gaza blockade off the international agenda. Therefore, Israel has an advantage in creating chaos and a sense of insecurity among peace activists. It is a continuation of the first episode of state terror against global civil society activists which started in 2008, the year which marks the first attempts to break the siege of Gaza.

This shouldn’t be understood as the direct perpetrators are the Israelis, No. Neverthless they are the beneficiaries. There is enough evidence up to now, unless the future unravels otherwise, that they are a Palestinian group who either has played into the hands of Israel or really have contacts with Israel. On both cases this act is a barbaric one which has immense ramifications on the Palestinian cause and the future of civil activism in Gaza. At the end of the day these activists are putting their lives at risk when coming to Gaza, but they don't expect to be stabbed in the back by Palestinian hands for whatsoever reason. It is possible to classify this group under any category we like: Islamist radicals, Jihadist terrorists, right wing extremists, lunatics, misleaded-frustrated unemployed youth, traitors, collaborators, Mosad agents etc….there is only one fact that they have killed an innocent person who has a life, family and friends and this shouldn't be allowed to happen in first place.

I hope that such an incident will not reoccur and shouldn’t be allowed to occur. Hamas has a duty to make sure that these activists feel safe in Gaza and not terrorised, especially ahead of the arrival of the flotilla. Hamas has a responsibility to provide protection for them. Most importantly, Hamas must address the issue of extremism, sleeping Mosad cells, and unidentified groups.

Vittorio was an activist who tattooed the Arabic word "resistance" on his biceps and he was proud to show it to the world. Therefore, resistance should continue and the work that Vitorrio, Rachel, Tom Hurndall, Juliano started should continue. The killer of these people is the same and the aim is always the same. We have to avenge by keeping the resistance and the culture of resistance up. Justice to these activists and to the Palestinians can be brought only when the occupation is over and when the siege of Gaza is lift. From 2008 onward it is our decision to materialise this, it is our choice, it is no more the decision or choice of infamous groups or the rogue state of Israel.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

عندما تتكلم توجان فيصل فعلى الجميع ان يصغي

اهم ماجاء في المقال

- لن يتحول الاردن الى دوله مدنيه كامله يحكمها القانون مادامت العشائريه هي المرجعيه. نحن مجتمع غالبية اصوله بدويه ونفتخر بعشائرنا ولكن في المجتمعات المدنيه تنحصر العشيره الى اطار العمل التكافلي فقط (تكافل ضمن اطار القانون) ليصبح القانون هو السيف المسلط على الجميع بعدالة دون اية حسابات اخرى ودون ان يكون اي احد فوق القانون بسبب عشيرته او منصبه وهنا يتحقق جزء من العداله الاجتماعيه.

- مراكز القوى او مايعرف "بالصندوق الاسود" الحكومي.و هم مجموعة من الساسة والمستشارين الذين يعملون على صياغة التشريعات والسياسات الحكوميه وتطبيقها. فهم يتلقون توجيهات الملك بخصوص سياسات الدوله، يقومون بتعديل وتحويل هذه التوجهات واعادة انتاجها ومن تم تطبيقها بطريقه لا تهدد مراكزهم او تؤثر على مصالحهم. لقد اصبح تغولهم يشكل عبئا حتى على توجهات الملك الاصلاحيه واصبحوا يمارسون البلطجه باسم الملك وبذلك اسائو للملك مما دفعه للخروج و التحدث ضد احداث العنف التي حدثت و اعلانه عن قبول طرح التعديلات الدستوريه على لجنة الحوار و كذلك قيامه بزياره لمخيم الوحدات.

المقال كامل:

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Goldstone is retracting from his findings that Israel didn't deliberately targeted civilians during its war on Gaza in 2008. However, the judge doesn't give further evidence on how he had come to this conclusion. I wonder if the judge still remember the attack on the UNRWA and targeted attacks on schools accomodating families, targeted attacks on potential Hamas members (the israeli definition of a Hamas member is anyone who supports or have any contacts with Hamas - this basically makes all Gazans legitimate targets).

INGOs concerned with human rights have considered the report as a milestone for leashing Israel's war machine which enjoys impunity by the US and West.

From a legal point of view Goldstone's remarks doesn't bear any significance because the report is issued by a court of 4 invistigators. However, from a propaganda point of view Israel and its zionist supporters will use it as an evidence that Israel kills and destroy homes only to defend itself. This is a dangerous propaganda coming ahead of an immenant Israeli military escalation in Gaza and ahead of the launching of the 2nd Freedom Flotilla to Gaza. All of us remember that Israel attacked the 1st flotilla in international water and killed 9 activists in what it calls "self defence" as usual.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

فريق الحدائق وفريق 24 أذار - جدليات السياسة الخرقاء في مقابل الوعي الشعبي

كثرت الاحاديث عما حصل على دوار الداخليه وكثرت الاقوال عن المراد من اعتصام دوار الداخليه قصير العمر ومن وراءه. وبغض النظر عن عديد النظريات التي قيلت في هذا الشأن يجب التأكيد على عدة
أمور مهمه برزت قبل وبعد تفاعلات الحدث.
اولا: قبل الاعتصام بأيام - أراد الطرف الذي اعتصم في حدائق الملك الحسين مدعومابدعايةالاجهزة الامنيه وخصوصا المخابرات ان يقدم جدليتان على الساحه في حزمتين. اولاهما ان فريق الحدائق (ولااريد ان اسميه فريق حدائق الملك حسين لان للحسين مكانة اعلى في قلوبنا)حاول ان يظهر نفسه بأنه فريق وطني وان ولائه ينبع من حبه لجلالة الملك عبدالله في مقابل اظهار ان فريق 24 اذار اقل وطنيه او انه لايتمتع بوطنيه لانه يريد اسقاط الحكومه وبالتالي هم ضد الملك كتحصيل حاصل. وهنا يقع لب الخلل في الجدليه الاولى التي حاول فريق الحدائق ومن دعمه تسويقهاوتصديقها كي يبرروا لانفسهم مافعلوه يوم 24 اذار. فما نعرفه جميعا ان من اعتصم في ميدان جمال عبدالناصر هم اردنيون لايمكن ان يشك احد في ولائهم للعرش الهاشمي و للاردن وانهم اشخاص اختارو العمل في وضح النهار دون الحاجة الى اجندات خفيه.
كذلك، ان محاولة فريق الحدائق المساواة بين الولاء للملك والولاء للحكومه هو محاولة بائسه للمقاربه في الشكل والمضمون وهي ليست بحاجه لكثير من الايضاح. فلا يستقيم ان يدعي طرف بالولاء للملك ثم يتهم الطرف الاخر بالخيانة او عدم الوطنيه لانه يتنقد الحكومه ولايرغب ببقائها. لكن رغبة فريق الحدائق في التبرير لما كانوا سوف يقومون به جعلتهم يقاربون بين الولاء للملك والولاء للحكومة وهذا خطأ. فالحكومة يعينها الملك ويصرفها الملك وتخضع لرقابة مجلس النواب وتتم مسائلتها من المجلس ولو نظريا على الاقل واما ان تحظى بقبول الشعب او تستحق سخطه.

اما الجدليه الثانيه فهي مقاربتهم بين الاصلاحات السياسه وصلاحيات الملك الدستوريه. وتسويق ان من يدعو للاصلاح السياسي يحاول المساس بصلاحيات الملك الدستوريه. ففريق الحدائق يرفض اي اصلاحات سياسه مهما كان نوعها. وهم بذلك كمن يدافع عن الفساد والرشوه والمحسوبيه والفقر وغياب العداله الاجتماعيه عن طريق رفضهم الاصلاح وهم من حيث لايدرون يربطون بين سياسات الحكومه والوضع السياسي القائم وبين الفساد ويجعلون الاول الضامن لبقاء الثاني. وهذا فهم عجيب ومشوه لمعنى الاصلاح السياسي والدستوري. فالاصلاحات السياسيه تتخذ على عدة مستويات والاصلاح الدستوري قادم لامحاله والضامن له هو رغبة الملك النافذه وقراراته الفاعله في هذا الاتجاه.

ثانيا: بعد الحدث - عندما تيقن فريق الحدائق بانه لم يكن الرابح بل الخاسر الاكبر نتيجة تصرفه المتسم بالبلطجيه والضحاله السياسيه حاول خلق حاله جديده. فبالرغم من اعتدائهم هم ورجال الدرك على المعتصمين المطالبين بالقضاء على الرشوة و المحسوبيه والفقر والظلم الاجتماعي والمطالبن بالاصلاح السياسي على المستوى النخبوي، وبالرغم من التنكيل بهم الا ان فريق 24 اذار خرج وهو الرابح الاكبر. فعلى المستوى الشعبي سجل فريق 24 أذار يوما في التاريخ الاردني ويوما للمستقبل الاردني. وهو كذلك عزز مطالبه واصبحت اكثر شمولا واصبح لها مؤيدون كثر. وعلى الصعيد السياسي تمثلت باستجابة الملك لبعض مطالبهم وادراج قضايا للحوار الوطني كانت من قبل مرفوضه من الحكومة من مثل التعديلات الدستوريه.

ونتيجة لذلك لم يجد فريق الحدائق ومن يدعمه من بد الا ان يصطنع قضية جديده للجدل. فبعد ان فشلت جدليته الاولى - والتي اجزم بان هذا الفريق لم يتفكر في معانيها- الولاء للملك في مقابل الولاء للحكومه. وبعد فشل جدليته الثانيه وصياغتها المشوهه وهي لا للاصلاح السياسي - لا للصلاح الدستوري الذي ينتج الفساد جاء دور بان من قام باعتصام 24 أذار هم الاردنيون من اصل فلسطيني.

وهنا تكمن خطورة قد لايدركها الكثير. وانا على يقين بأن فريق الحدائق ومن يدعمه لا يدرك خطورة دعايته و التي يريدون من ورائها خلق جدليه جديده عنوانها اردني - فلسطيني. وبصيغة اخرى يحاول هذا الفريق احياء فتنه وتشكيل اصطفافات على اسس قوميه. لكننا جميعا نعرف بان من كان معتصما يوم 24 أذار هم اردنيون. واذا اردنا ان نفند طرح فريق الحدائق بنفس اسلوبه فنقول بان سلطان العجلوني اردني، وخالد الشوبكي اردني، والعديد من ممثلي العشائر كانو هناك وقيادات الفريق من مثل احمد عبيدات و ليث شبيلات هم اردنيون حتى النخاع ولا يستطيع اي كان ان يشكك في ولائهم للاردن.

اذا مالذي يحصل؟ يحاول فريق الحدائق ومن يمده بآلة الدعاية على مستوى الوطن خلق اصفافات قوميه في محاولة منه لربط من يطالبون بالاصلاح بانهم اردنيون من اصل فلسطيني يحاولون احداث انقلاب على النظام الاردني مستحضرا تجربة 1971 وماعرف بأيلول الاسود وبالتالي بأن على جميع الاردنيين من اصل اردني ان يعارضو وان يقفو ضد هؤلاء الفلسطينيين حتى لو ان هذا يعني الوقوف مع الفساد و الرشوه الظلم الاجتماعي والفقر. وهذا مادفع سمو الامير الحسن الى التحدث عن خطورة هذا الطرح وقوله ان والده جاء من مكه الى الاردن فهل هذا يعني بانه لايحق له الحديث والمشاركه فيما يحدث بالاردن؟

ان من المؤكد ان هذه الجدليه تحمل خطرا كبيرا على المجتمع وتؤثر في نسيجه الاجتماعي فإثارة النعرات تمزق النسيج المجتمعي وتؤخر او تقضي على اي تحرك نحو الاصلاح و الديموقراطيه اللذان يحتاجان الى ارضية صلبه من الوحدة الوطنيه تجمع كل اطياف الشعب الاردني ليعرف عن نفسه بكلمة واحده "أردني". وهذا يذكرني بماقاله ذات مره جلالة الملك الراحل الحسين المغفور له بإذن الله "كلنا اردنيون شرقي النهر"

واخيرا ان فريق الحدائق يتخبط في نفسه في تعبير عن تخبط الحكومة في سياساتها. فمن الولاء للملك في مقابل الولاء للحكومه والذي أثبت كما سلف بان فريق الحدائق حاول المقاربه بين الاثنين فأوقع نفسه في مطب الولاء للحكومة حتى لوكانت فاسده الى المقاربه بين الاصلاح السياسي والاصلاح الدستوري وربطهما بالوضع القائم وتحفيزه ثم في النهايه خلق فتنه واصطفافات تستند الى الاصول واستحضار تجارب من التاريخ تثير الاحقاد. ان هذه السياسات الخرقاء ماتلبث الا ان تصطدم في وعي شعبي يمثله فريق 24 أذار - بالرغم من انه تعجل في طروحات محدده- بأن الولاء للملك لايعني الولاء للحكومةولا الولاء للحكومه يعني الولاء للملك وبذلك هم يشكلون الطليعة من الشعب التي ستأخذ التحركات الشعبيه ومن بعدها السياسات الحكومية الى طريق جديد. وكذلك لايعني بأن من يطالب بتغيير الحكومة او اسقاطها بانه ليس اردنيا او من اصول فلسطينيه لا تنتمي للاردن. فالجميع اردنيون مادام انهم ارتضوا بالجنسية الاردنيه ولهم من الحقوق و وعليهم من الواجبات مثل الاخرين سواء اكانو شركسا او شيشان او شوام او فلسطينيين.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Issues on or off Policy Agenda

How an issue can be kept off a policy agenda

Specialists public policy argued that policy has been developed in order to solve public problems. Therefore the first stage in the policy making process is about acknowledging the existence of a problem and that something should be done about it. However, the competing nature of public problems and among policy actors may determine if a problem to be kept off policy agenda or reach it.

This relationship between the containment and expansion may illustrate the essence of policy making which is based on the struggle between different powers and actors in order to keep the status quo by excluding issues from reaching agenda which may be detrimental to their interests. On the other side, there are groups who exert efforts to place issues on policy agenda in order to further their interests, sometimes aided by their own resources while in other instances by exogenous factors.

Policy agenda highlights the fact that actors are competing to include their demands, issues, or problems on the agenda for serious consideration by the government. Consequently, there are cases when issues are kept off the agenda.

Birkland (2001) states that one of the main uses of political power is to keep ideas and issues on or off the public agenda. He also argues that groups will use their power to influence what reaches the agenda. It is the competition between groups whereby they utilise influence and resources at their disposal. Therefore, the study of power and power distribution has been central to agenda-setting in which three dimensions or models of power have been constructed.

The first dimension of power finds its origins in one of the group theories, pluralism which originated in the US in the 17th century. Robert Dahl, a pluralist advocate argues that “there are multiple centres of power, none of which is wholly sovereign”

However, during the 1960s and 1970s a new school of thinking began to emerge and added a second dimension to the theory of power, the mobilisation of bias. In this context Schattshneider argued that “the system has a strong permanent bias in favour of some groups over others and the strength of “insiders” to shape the political agenda”. Therefore, mobilisation of bias is about ensuring that conflict is managed and contained by the dominant players in the political game as public policy is an activity in which issues are included and excluded (Parsons 1995).
Pertinent to this is Crenson’s study (1971) on air pollution in 52 American cities which showed that some cities have been active in addressing air pollutions whilst others have not. He concluded that in cities such as Gary, a city dominated by a large polluter, US steel, the issue was kept off the agenda through the exercise of power. The power of the organisation was sufficient for it to remain outside the political arena (Crenson cited in Parsons 1995, p.139).

Bachrach and Baratz (1970) encapsulated the process in a new term, non-decision making (Bachrach and Baratz cited in Hudson and Lowe 2004). Bachrach and Baratz (1975) elaborated on non-decision making by arguing that in a power context it is based on the additional presupposition that political consensus is commonly shaped by status-quo defenders. Bachrach and Baratz work was based on the study of race relations in the city of Baltimore, USA. It showed how a powerful political-business axis was in centre of the political system operated systematically to screen out and prevent the interests of black minority by co-opting black leaders, state violence against others, labelling prominent black leaders as communists and trouble makers and using the media to invent scares (Amis and Nunan 2009 p 21).

The third dimension views power as being reflected in ideology, systems of meaning, systems of knowledge, and systems of difference (Amis and Nunan 2009). It introduces the idea that people can be manipulated by powerful interests and are not all free as classical pluralists assert (Hudson and Lowe 2004). Therefore, people’s perception and response to issues are captured by a set of ideological predispositions and political values and ideas that created what Crenson (1971) called “political consciousness”. (Crenson cited in Amis and Nunan 2009). It is also what Parsons termed as “deep theory” (Parsons cited inHudson and Lowe 2004).

John Gaventa (1980) in a study on the Appalachia explains why this community remained under the repressive power of a British coal mining company and the local business and the social elite. The study showed that the Appalachia political participation is low because of the people’s own shortcomings such as low education attainment and poverty. However, from the perspective of third dimension of power, social relationships and political ideology are structured over the long term in a way that the mining company remains dominant and the miners cannot conceive of a situation in which they can participate in the decisions affecting their lives. If they decide to rebel against the unfair system the dominant interests can employ their ability to make non-decision and ignore the pressure. In the long run people may stop fighting as they become and remain alienated from politics and quiescence (Gaventa cited in Birkland 2001 p11).

With regard to policy monopoly and control, Baumgartner and Jones (1991, 1993, 1994) developed an image that explains patterns of agenda-setting behaviour. For them the “image” of a policy problem is significant in that if problems are portrayed as technical rather than social experts will dominate the decision making process, and therefore a specific subsystem group will constrain access to the policy making process and impose a monopoly or a control on the interpretation of a problem and the manner it is conceived and discussed (Baumgartner and Jones cited in Howlett and Marsh 2nd ed.)

Moreover, McKelvey (1976) and Schofield (1976) showed that the absence of a majority-rule equilibrium implies that virtually any policy outcome is possible. Hence, those who control the agenda can engage in all sorts of manipulation (McKelvey 1976; Schofield 1976 cited by Majone in Oxford Handbook of Public Policy 2008, pp. 229-30). Within the same context David Easton (1965) developed A systems Model Of Agenda Control incorporates the notion that the system has a bias against certain inputs which would disturb the status quo or the “black box” i.e. the political system. Therefore, in order to maintain the system mechanisms, gatekeepers, exist to filter out or exclude input which be considered dysfunctional (Easton cited in Amis and Nunan 2009 p19).

Majone (2008) drives an example on agenda control from the EU. She argues that the EU Commission is considered the executive branch of the EU, but it plays a very important role also in the legislative process because of its monopoly of policy initiation. This monopoly has been granted by the founding treaty and is protected by the EU Court of Justice. Hence, no national government can induce the commission to make a specific proposal changing the status quo, unless the proposal also makes the commission better off (Majone,ibid, p.231) .

One of the most sophisticated models in agenda-setting was developed by John Kingdon (1984) based on his study of the of agenda process in the US federal legislative system. Kingdon argued that in order for an issue to enter the formal agenda and to introduce change to existing policy, three streams are required. First, the problem stream which refers to the perception of a problem as a public problem requiring the government action. Second, the policy stream or policy primeval soup which consists of policy entrepreneurs and experts examining problems and proposing solutions. Third, the political stream which is composed of electoral results, national mood, organised political forces, and perceived state of public opinion (Amis and Nunan 2009; Howlett and Ramesh 2nd ed.).

Durant and Diehl (1989) argue in relation to Kingdon’s approach by highlighting the fact that the likelihood of a particular condition becoming a public problem worthy of action, and for one policy solution to arise from a midst the primeval soup to address it, is increased if a coupling or linking of the problem, policy and political streams occur. For this to happen policy windows occasioned by problem opportunities must open. This problem may be predictable such as when legislation comes up for renewal or unpredictable when a focusing event or crisis happens. In all cases open windows are small and scares and do not stay for long (Howlett and March 2nd ed.).

Birkland (2001, p114) states several examples illustrating Kingdon’s approach. For instance, changes in the policy stream can influence the opening of the window. In 1960s, poverty and racism were seen as problems, but were also coupled with what were suggested as new and more effective policies to solve these problems, such as the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and the “war on poverty”. Another example relate to changes in people’s perception to a problem and how it will influence the opening of a window. In 1930s people began to perceive unemployment and economic privation not only as a failure in individual initiative but also as a collective problem that required governmental solution under the rubric of New Deal (ibid.,114).

Other circumstances which may enable issues to reach policy agenda are focusing events. In his study of focusing events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, oil spills and other industrial accidents, Birkland (1998) argued that due to their sudden, dramatic and often harmful nature, focusing events give pro-change groups a significant advantage in overcoming barriers established by status quo-oriented groups (Bachrach and Baratz 1962; Gaventa 1980, cited in Birkland 1998). Birkland even argues that major events reach the agenda without group promotion through the media propagation and news symbols of the event (ibid.p.5).

One obvious example of focusing event is the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989. The event mobilised policy community such as the employees of Exxon Corporation, environmentalists, fishers, and local coast guard. The incident was on the news and the radio and within hours it was before the general public. Therefore, it was far too short for Exxon and its allies to contain news of the spill, which, therefore, suddenly became a very prominent issue on the agenda (Birkland 2001).

Indicators can be viewed as another enabling factor to get issues onto policy agenda. Weaver (1989) argues that indicators would lead to major improvements in efforts for identifying social problems, develop appropriate response and make government programmes more effective. However, Birkland (2001) claims that the use of numbers by themselves do not have an influence over which an issue gain a greater attention, rather they need to be publicised by interest groups, government agencies, and policy entrepreneurs, who use these numbers to advance their ideas. An example of indicators used by less advantaged groups is the growing gap between rich and poor in the US. Indicators where used to argue that the rich is getting richer and, to some extent, the lowest economic classes are worse off in terms of theri share of wealth (ibid. 115).

In an era reliant on communications and technology, the media has been playing a crucial role on enabling issues onto policy agenda. The scope of exposure the media allows to issues might portray any issue as pressing. McCombs and Shaw (1976) conducted a survey of the agenda-setting role of the media by looking at the way the media influenced the public’s perception of the Watergate affair. They concluded that the media have had a key role in agenda-setting – that is, in the power to determine what topics are discussed (McCombs and Shaw cited in Parsons 1995).

Moreover, Henshel (1990) argues that the role of the media in the agenda process is an important factor to consider in the construction of problems. For example, S. Iyengar et al (1984) conducted two experiments on the impact of the Evening News of evaluating President Carter’s performance. What was surprising that the TV had the effect of defining the policy areas by which the president should be judged. The capacity of the media to set out policy areas and problems is, they argue, something which has many implications for the relationship between the public, policy and politicians as mediated by the TV. (Iyengar el al. Cited in Parsons 1995, p.112).

To sum up, the pre-mentioned argument shows clearly that policy agenda is a vital stage of the policy making process. It is the starting point of furious competition between groups involved in policy making. It exemplifies the struggle of power and power distribution and how this relates to keeping issues off or on the agenda.